Partner with us to meet your
CSR, SDG and ESG goals.

Corporate Partners

Empower women and youth: Facilitate community development.

Our Corporate partners provide funding in form of grants and donations for our programs in Kenya, Africa. Our commitment to empowering vulnerable women and youth in Kenya, Africa  who are living in extreme poverty and oppressed with gender inequality aligns with the spirit of Corporate Social Responsibility, and helps companies meet ESG and United Nation’s SDG goals.

This is met through essential programs such as: 

  1. Women Economic Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship (WEETE) program
  2. Youth Economic Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship (YEETE) program
  3. Lea Dada Girl Child Empowerment
  4. Lea Ndugu Boy Child Empowerment program
  5. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) awareness program
  6. Youth Capacity Building  program

We invite your foundation to join our effort to drive transformative change and impact. Together, we can uplift individuals, foster economic growth, and drive positive social change.


Our Corporate Partners

Saavannah Data Solution Business Partner
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